
Tuesday, 20 November 2012

Stanley - the first horse to officially join Movember to raise money

This is Stanley; barefoot of course, but more importantly a recruit for, and the first official horse to raise money for Movember. (Scroll to the bottom for photo of the Mo.)

Please support him in his efforts to beat the humans at their own game. Stanley's MOment of whiskery fame is to be found at, he's already been mentioned on the Queen Mary 2's breakfast tv show, and on his local radio station Wave 105!  

Stanley is a member of a team at the college where his owner works and is currently standing 2nd in the team ratings, but  of course we would  all love him to get to first place and maybe stay there.

When he is not concentrating on growing his Mo, Stanley can be found participating in a variety of horsey sports.  Or eating.  Every horse knows the importance of a healthy appetite when it comes to growing a healthy Mo. :-)

Stanley with his 'Mo'