
Thursday, 18 February 2010

Barefoot horse case study hinds - day one

This is a continuation of yesterday's post which looked at the fronts.

We will be able to tell more when the shoes come off. For now I have bulleted initial observations.

Right Hind Front, Left Hind Front

  • Both hinds show stress lines
  • The divergence in angle is clearly seen at the top of each foot

Right Hind Side, Left Hind Side

  • Bull noses on both hinds
  • Cracks around nail holes, especially on left hind, these appear infected
  • Heel is contracted

Right Hind Heel, Left Hind Heel

  • I can't find the right words to describe what I see, so please compare these heels with those of a robust, healthy barefooter

Right Hind Sole, Left Hind Sole

  • Heels are somewhat contracted
  • Frogs look weak and thrushy
  • Shoes are impinging on frogs
  • Both toes are crumbling, there is a deep cavity under the shoe which is full of black, smelly gunk


  1. What is the intended purpose of the "corners" and straight front of the hind shoes?

  2. Hi Val

    It looks to me like a natural balance type shoe. Often fitted to bring the point of break over back.

    However breakover varies from horse to horse and according to work and terrain. Therefore I wouldn't want to 'force' the plane of breakover as it would appear happens with this type of shoe.

    It is easy to see these hooves are less than optimal and appear distorted.

    They are not going to be the easiest feet to transition, but the horse has a lot to gain if we do a decent job of it. Diet is critical for this one.
