
Wednesday, 11 January 2012

Spreading the Love :-) ... Think Global - Act Local

A wardrobe full of catchphrases one of which is 'spreading the love' which is how he describes my tootling round the South East of England facilitating people in their efforts to achieve healthy, happy and sound barefoot performance horses.

Or maybe he is just referring to the Snogmeister who has now (cross fingers) found a new barefooting home.

Anyway back to 'Thinking Global'.  Got this in my inbox - made me smile all day - thank you!

"i am a caretaker of a throughbreed for the last two years this past summer he threw six shoes in five weeks his feet went from poor to horrible ! i found your web site and did alot of resarch and found [name of trimmer] **** came in auguest and removed orion shoes his feet were vert badley chip and one hoof side wall was blown out terrible frogs low hells well its been five months and his feet are just so improved we do lots of trail riding and he does not stumble and he does not go toe first he is so much happyier and movies great. i wish i took picks but you were right on that throughbreeds can go barefoot ! we live in mass. usa thanks ***** and orion"

Note names have been replaced with **** for confidentiality purposes

So it would seem that the myth that TB's can't go barefoot (as we all know) is just that :-)


  1. I've only been a barefoot believer for 5 months now, but most of my friends have TBs and despite how miraculous the turnaround has been for my mare, they continue to say that because their horse is a TB, there's no way they could try their horse barefoot.

    My mare is a Paint, but all my farriers told me that my horse couldn't be barefoot either, yet here we are 5 months later and I have an incredibly happy horse with drastically improved hooves! It's nice to read about all the success stories, no matter what breed the horses are!

  2. It was a TB ex racehorse owner who introduced me to barefoot, her experience with her boy is what prompted me to try it with Harvey, can't say we've looked back since and now I'm the first to advocate it to any owner.

    Harvey was lovley to ride today much more free in his movement after you saw him yesterday Lucy.

  3. hi, i tried to contact a couple of local AANHCP trimmers in my area and neither of them replied. i wonder if you know of any in the cologne area?

  4. Thanks for all the informative posts on your blog. My horses are just 10 weeks into their transition to barefoot. We have good days and bad, depending on workload and the amount of wet weather we get. Reading your experiences encourages me to stick at it - that and days like today when my little Arab managed a good couple of hours trotting and cantering around the Quantocks, booted on the front but having as much fun as ever, Sue

  5. hi just and update on orion the TB. we went out wed for about 2 hrs did loots of trooting and was on differnt surfaces rocky trails nard surfaces mud etc and first time without boots he was great!
